Their best date ever can fund your cause.
Their best date ever can fund your cause.
It all begins with a connection. Subscribers to the Poze app choose three top charities during their initial profile set up. At Poze, we believe that the causes you are passionate about can reveal your true character and values. This is one of the key factors that makes Poze different from other dating apps on the market. Our goal is to facilitate lasting connections for a population of singles who are increasingly concerned with social issues in many different categories. By allowing our participants to display their favorite charities as part of their profiles, matches are given a glimpse of quality character as opposed to just a picture of a pretty face.
Through the process of finding a partner, subscribers to the app proPoze a date in the style of a blind dating auction. They choose one of their top three charities to be the recipient of any auction funds. This allows people they are compatible with in their feed to see not only common values, but also common interest and discern very early in the dating process a legitimate basis for a lasting relationship. By bidding on a date with a possible partner, they are showing interest in the possibility of growing a relationship, but also a commitment to financially supporting a cause the Pozer cares deeply about.
The Pozer gets to choose the winner, as dates are not dictated by the highest bid but instead by the amount of interest piqued within the person who Pozed the auction. Then, all funds bid are distributed to the charity chosen by the Pozer. At Poze, we are excited to change the landscape of online dating because the world is constantly growing but dating apps seem the same. We want to create a new place for people who care about causes, as many in our socially conscious population now do, to form lasting relationships with like minded people and fund their chosen causes at the same time.
How it works for our charitable partners:
Funding a cause is hard work. Our goal is to alleviate some of the stress shouldered by the employees and volunteers who put in the hours every day for the causes they are most passionate about.
We are excited to partner with charitable organizations in all areas and categories to help promote worthwhile causes on the app. Ultimately, we want to fund causes in support of the environment, food scarcity, the housing crisis, ending animal cruelty, stopping social inequality and many more by sending donations from each charity date auction to hard working non-profits.
Our partners will have their logos featured prominently on the app, and each and every time a Pozer chooses a charity as the recipient of the winnings from the date auction they have propozed, we will forward the full bid amount to the cause so that they can create more change in the world.
We don’t ask anything of our partners to participate, other than the use of their logo so that we can effictively market the charity to subscribers of the app. The more Pozers choosing any given charity, the more money that charity can expect to receive. With that in mind, we have created a charity partners tool kit so that non-profits can easily provide information to current members about Poze in case they are interested in supporting the cause and finding a lasting relationship all at the sime time.
Help us help you.
Know of a charity that you want included on the app?
Do you represent a charity, and would like to know more about how to partner with Poze to bring in more funds?
Fill out this form, and we’ll reach out soon.